Aesthetic Skin Conditions

At Keller Skin Care, our licensed medical professionals have experience treating a variety of skin conditions. With every new patient, we will carefully examine the situation and thoroughly explore your options. This allows us to customize a plan to address your concerns in the most effective way for you.

Aesthetic Skin Conditions we Treat:

  • Excess FatExcess fat can be almost impossible to get rid of, causing people to give up on losing weight or consider surgery. CoolScultping is a natural solution to eliminating fat. CoolSculpting targets fat cells alone, eliminating them in an easy, non-intrusive fashion that exercise and diet can’t achieve as quickly or as effectively.
  • Maturing SkinAs you age, your skin changes. Many people experience wrinkles, age spots, and dryness. There are various treatments that can restore smoothness to your skin. Talk with us about the best option for you!
  • WrinklesWrinkles appear as a result of natural aging, as well as environmental factors. We offer a number of treatment options to reduce wrinkles and make your skin smooth again. Ask us today about the wrinkle solution that's best for you!
  • Brown SpotsBrown spots appear on the skin as a result of aging, too much sun, and other environmental factors. We provide several treatment options for brown spots and other signs of aging.
  • And more!

Call today to see how we can help you!

DIRECTIONS: 1605 E. Riverside Dr. Eagle, ID 83616
“Wonderful experience. Your receptionist is super and A+.”
- Melanie
“Very quick and super helpful! The prescription they prescribed for me is already working great with my acne.”
- Tiarra
“I look forward to each visit and especially enjoy having my face frozen.”
- Robert
“Heather and the staff are awesome as usual! I recommend her to family and friends all the time.”
- Michelle